Dr. Bruce Nystrom

-Psychologist, PhD, LP
A Bit About Bruce
Stress affects us all in different ways. Short term counseling with cognitive behavior therapy can many times lead to a reduction in problems. I also evaluate persons to better identify issues such as children with ADHD, autism, or intellectual disabilities. PTSD and trauma are also a focus of evaluation and treatment. I evaluate persons prior to bariatric surgery, for pre-employment and return to work issues, and several court related or forensic issues.
I am a native Wichitan. I graduated from Wichita State along with a master's from Fort Hays State and a PhD from North Texas State. I have worked at the Wichita Guidance Center, ComCare as Chief Psychologist, and Counseling and Mediation Center before forming River Park Psychology Consultants.
I use my combination of professional and personal experiences to better understand and help resolve what issues you may have. My major therapeutic orientation is cognitive behavior therapy which is the front line recommended therapy for several problems and is also an evidence based therapy.
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